What are the available web portals in GUtech?
All Available Portals you can find in myGUtech portal through: Click Here
Note: Your user name and password are required.
All Available Portals you can find in myGUtech portal through: Click Here
Note: Your user name and password are required.
All GUtech users those who have active user accounts are eligible for accessing internet. In order to view configuration of WiFi connection on your computer Click Here
Printing facility are available for staff and student. Following the steps as giving through: Click Here
GUtech provides facility to staff to work from home and to get access to GUtech network. The steps to connect to GUtech via VPN, follow the steps in the link.
SN | LAB Name | PC No | OS | Purpose | Software List |
1 | CL-224 | 48 | WINDOWS 10 | Teaching/Practical |
2 | CL-237 | 8 | WINDOWS 10 | Teaching/Practical |
3 | CL-238 | 40 | WINDOWS 10 | Teaching/Practical |
4 | CL-337 | 32 | WINDOWS 10 | Teaching/Practical |
5 | CL-404 | 40 | WINDOWS 10 | Teaching/Practical |
6 | CL-416 | 24 | WINDOWS 10 | Teaching/Practical |
7 | CL-503 | 28 | WINDOWS 10 | Teaching/Practical |
8 | CL-530 | 52 | WINDOWS 10 | Teaching/Practical |
9 | MultiMedia Lab | 10 | WINDOWS 10 | Entertainment/Practical |
10 | Computer Lab | 10 | WINDOWS 10 | Practical/Self Study | |
11 | Library-Common | 10 | WINDOWS 10 | Practical/Self Study/Browsing | |
12 | Algorismus Building-101 | 54 | WINDOWS 10 | Teaching/Practical |
13 | Algorismus Building-112 | 30 | WINDOWS 10 | Teaching/Practical |
For Staff: You can collect your user name and password form HR department.
For Student: You can collect your user name and password from Student Affair Department