Very Critical
Contact us by phone for very critical (higher priority) requests. Help Desk phone numbers do not go to voicemail and are attended by Front office Executives. Response time will be 4 hours or less and resolution time based on impact and business continuity.
Contact us by Support Ticket System for critical issues. All requests received by web forms are manually assigned to a staff member and the response time will be from 8 hours and resolution time up to 2 working days.
Less Critical
Contact us by email for noncritical issues. All requests received by email are manually assigned to an IT staff member and the response time will be 3 working days to 5 working days.
To report an issue, a support call, please use the support ticket system.
Response time can be set up by the requester. However, resolution depends on
- Impact on the business—size, scope and complexity of the request.
- An urgency to the business—time within which resolution is required.
- Resource availability.
- An expected effort in resolving or completing a task.
For escalations, email to Head of ITS
For view IT Help Desk Manual Click Here
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Communication Address
German University of Technology in Oman
P.O. Box : 1816, Athaibah, PC 130, Sultanate of Oman
Muscat Express Highway, Halban, Barka