For Staff: You can collect your user name and password form HR department.

For Student: You can collect your user name and password from Student Affair Department

Steps to register for password Reset.


  1. Go to OR
  2. Enter your GUtech Email ID and password.
  3. Choose an option to register for by clicking set it up now for Email and Phone.
  4. Please enter your Mobile Number and Alternative email for verification.
  5. Then follow the instructions and logout after Setting Email and Password Authentication.

Steps to Reset your Password. 

  1. On GUtech Email account sign-in page, click on one of the “can’t access your account?” or “forgot your password?” links, or navigate to
  2. Enter your GUtech Email ID and Captcha correctly
  1. Follow the one verification methods which you prefer. Once you’ve met the requirements of the organizational policy, you are allowed to choose a new password.
  1. After successful password reset you can login to all GUtech IT Portals with the new password.
SN LAB Name PC No OS Purpose
1 CL-218 12 MAC Practical
2 CL-224 48 WINDOWS Teaching/Practical
3 CL-237 8 WINDOWS Teaching/Practical
4 CL-238 40 WINDOWS Teaching/Practical
5 CL-337 32 WINDOWS Teaching/Practical
6 CL-404 40 WINDOWS Teaching/Practical
7 CL-416 24 WINDOWS Teaching/Practical
8 CL-503 24 WINDOWS Teaching/Practical
9 CL-530 52 WINDOWS Teaching/Practical
10 MultiMedia Lab 10 Entertainment/Practical LIBRARY
11 Computer Lab 10 Practical/Self Study
12 Library-Common 10 Practical/Self Study/Browsing